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Doula Support in Lowering Cesarean Rates

NOMINATED TOPIC | September 12, 2018
Describe your topic.
Labor support by trained/certified doulas - Does this type of support lower cesarean rates? Are hospital-based doula programs effective in lowering cesarean rates? Are hospital based doula programs as effective in lowering cesarean rates as non-hospital-based doulas? Are cesarean rates lower in areas where doula support is higher?
Describe why this topic is important.
Cesarean birth is the most common surgical procedure in the US. We know that the current rate is higher than necessary. Is trained/certified labor support provided by doulas an effective way to lower the cesarean rate? Lowering the cesarean rate would improve outcomes for mothers and babies as well as lower costs for the healthcare system.
Tell us why you are suggesting this topic.
As a trainer for birth doulas I see an increasing number of hospital-based doula programs. The ones I am aware of have lowered their cesarean rate and increased customer satisfaction. They also report an overall increase in the use of doulas for labor support whether hospital-based or private.
Target Date.
Describe what you are doing currently and what you are hoping will change because of a new evidence report.
I am President-Elect of the International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA). I train childbirth educators and doulas. Currently ICEA supports doula training in two different hospital systems that are having excellent results in both lowering the cesarean rate and increasing customer satisfaction. We anticipate significant growth in this area.
How will you or your group use the information from a new evidence report?
Although we already have birth doula trainers working with different hospital systems, we would like to expand this program. Lowering the cesarean rate would improve health outcomes for mothers and babies, as well as lowering costs for the healthcare system.
How would you or your group plan to disseminate information from the report? Who would you plan to disseminate it to?
Information from this report will be disseminated to our membership and to hospital groups that are interested in starting hospital-based doula programs.
Do you know of organizations that could use an evidence report to change clinical practice? Are you a part of, or have you been in contact with, any organizations that might implement the research findings of an evidence report?
There are several other certification organizations in addition to organizations that advocate for women's health.
Information About You: (optional)
Provide a description of your role or perspective.
President-Elect of ICEA, birth doula trainer
If you are you making a suggestion on behalf of an organization, please state the name of the organization.
Please tell us how you heard about the Effective Health Care Program.
Page last reviewed October 2018
Page originally created September 2018

Internet Citation: Doula Support in Lowering Cesarean Rates. Content last reviewed October 2018. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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