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1.Please provide information on the trial on Noni Juice, (morinda citrifolia), being done at the University of Hawaii for cancer research. 2. Please try to find actual proof that noni juice reduces pain and swelling, relieves psoriasis…

1. Your Nomination - Please briefly describe in your own words the question about a health care test or treatment that interests or concerns you:

1.Please provide information on the trial on Noni Juice, (morinda citrifolia), being done at the University of Hawaii for cancer research. 2. Please try to find actual proof that noni juice reduces pain and swelling, relieves psoriasis (maybe a study to do), reduces fevers, fights cancer,or any other tests or trials involving Noni. I have heard hundreds of friends from Hawaii claim it's health benefits, and I have my own, but we need proof. Hawaiian herbal Blessings company in Maui may be the supplier for the trial for the cancer study. It was supposed to be completed 2005 or 2006. 3. More tests or trials on cmo (cetyl myristoleate) for helping rhuematoid arthritis, osteo arthritis or psoriatic arthritis. I read in a doctors journal back in 1998 how cmo not only helped arthritis but also any inflammatory disease including emphasema (lungs). Maybe Journal of American health? I think it was written by Harry Diehl, the founder of cetylmyristoleate. FYI your report on cmo was great. However, if the second one was written correctly, then the scientists didn't understand that the tests cannot be done on white lab mice, because mice, sperm whales, and male beavers all already contain cmo in their bodies. So putting cmo in a mouse wouldn't be a good study. Mice don't get arthritis, it's been proven! No wonder they can run so fast! Also maybe you will find a low cost vegetable source of cmo, right now most are sythetic. Thanks for your awesome website. S

2. Why do you think your question is important? (you may select more than one category if appropriate)
 My question relates to a very common disease or problem
 People with this disease or problem have considerable health or financial hardships
 There is uncertainty about how well the test, treatment, or intervention works
 There is significant potential for side effects/harms using this test, treatment, or intervention
 Funding of this test, treatment, or intervention is uncertain or variable
 There is unequal access or application of this health care intervention across providers
 There is potential for cost savings from better information on this subject
 This is a new technology/development
 There is new evidence of clinical and/or cost effectiveness for this test, treatment, or intervention
3. What illness or health condition is related to your question? (You can also specify a particular health-promoting activity, such as breast-feeding)
psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis, emphasema, cancer, fevers, pain and swelling of joints
4. What group(s) or patients does your question apply to?
People with arthritis (noni and cmo), People with psoriatic arthritis (cmo and noni),People with psoriasis (noni and cmo),People with cancer (noni and cmo), people with a high fever(noni), people with pain in joints(cmo and noni), People with colon related illnesses (noni), People at risk of getting heart disease (noni, People with emphasema (cmo).
5. What is the specific purpose of the health care test or treatment you have a question about? (mark all that you think apply)
Identification of a disease or condition:
 Screening or diagnosis/identification for a particular disease, or risk assessment for a disease
 Risks or harms that can come from a disease identification tool or test
 Diagnostic tests and tools
 Diagnosis of co-occurring diseases
 Intervention (such as a drug treatment, therapy, device)
 Management of a condition or particular system of care
 Delivery of a health service
 Risks or harms associated with treatment of a disease or condition
 Prevention or health promotion
 Specific population health concerns, such as ethnic group or gender
 Dont know
6. Does your question include a comparison of different health care approaches?
If yes, please list what you would like to see compared:
7. Desired Health Improvements: If you question focuses on:
Identification of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in identification or diagnosis would you like to see?

Treatment of a particular disease or condition, what improvements in patient symptoms or problems would you like to see? improvements in peoples pain in any area, joint health, preventative also, cancer cure, arthritis cure.
8. Harms: Are there risks, side effects, or harms you are concerned about? If yes, please specify what those are:
How much noni Juice is too much? Can you take Noni juice for too long? How long do people need to take cmo before noticing great improvment. Does cmo work as well or better than methotrexate for relieving pain and swelling? What are the risks of taking cmo? Who can take cmo? What about juvenile rhuematoid arthritis? Can children safely take cmo?
9. Based on your answers to the previous questions, what research question(s) would you like to have answered?
Where are all of the studies on CMO? It was patented in 1977 and again in 1990. Can these studies be read online?
10. Are there health-care focused, disease-focused, or patient-focused organizations that you see as being relevant to this issue? Who do you think we should contact as we consider your nomination?
American Institute of health, National Institute of Health, American journal of doctors, Canadian Journal of Doctors?, Hawaiian newspapers ( where noni is grown, and study is being done) ,Hawaiian Herbal Blessings on Maui ( www.noni-works.com) owner is David Markus. EHP products (www.cetylmyristoleate.com) owners Bill and Elaine Parrish (Harry Dhiel daughter)
11. Other Information About You (OPTIONAL) In order to help us understand the context of your health care question, it would be helpful to know more about you. The answers you give will not influence the progress of your suggestion. Thank you.
a. Please choose a description that best describes your role or perspective: (you may select more than one category if appropriate)
Other Health Care Professional

b. Is there any other information about you that is relevant to your question?
I have psoriatic arthritis and I take noni and cmo to relieve my pain.

c. Are you making a suggestion as an individual or on behalf of an organization?
Page last reviewed November 2017
Page originally created July 2008

Internet Citation: 1.Please provide information on the trial on Noni Juice, (morinda citrifolia), being done at the University of Hawaii for cancer research. 2. Please try to find actual proof that noni juice reduces pain and swelling, relieves psoriasis…. Content last reviewed November 2017. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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