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Comment on Key Questions and Draft Reports

Research Available for Comment

The Effective Health Care (EHC) Program encourages the public to participate in the development of its research projects. Comments can be submitted for:

When the Key Questions, draft reports, and White Papers of EHC Program research projects are made available for public comment, they are posted on this Web page. Read the Guidelines for Peer and Public Reviewers (PDF, 119 KB). To ensure the timeliness of the research development effort and the currency of the research findings, all Key Questions are posted for 3 weeks and all draft reports and White Papers are posted for 4 weeks. For timeliness, all comments must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ET on the final day of the comment period.

Consistent with EPC Program policy, authors of draft documents, key informants, and technical experts are not identified. Their names and affiliations will be included in final reports. 

Guidance for submitting comments:

  • Comments should be submitted for the purpose of improving the draft report. AHRQ reserves the right not to respond to comments that are hostile or inappropriate.
  • Combine all comments from your organization into one response.
  • Do not include medical information about yourself or another person from which you or the person could be identified.
  • AHRQ reserves the right to summarize and edit comments, or not to publish them at all, if we consider the comments too long, or publication would be unlawful or otherwise inappropriate.
  • Please provide full references to articles or other materials.

If you would like to be notified when new Key Questions, draft reports, or White Papers are available for comment, please join the email list.

Note: Draft Reports With a New Look

In an effort to make draft reports shorter and easier to read, we are phasing in new designs for evidence reports and summaries. Evidence summaries have been redesigned to be no longer than four pages and present only a high-level look at the report and its findings. For full reports, much of the detail will be moved to appendixes, so that the most important findings are easier to locate and understand. In this transition period, some reports and evidence summaries will be formatted under the new design and some will be formatted as they were in the past.

Privacy Policy and Disclosure Notice

The EHC Program and this website follow the general privacy policy guidance set forth by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. For all scientific reviews and public comments solicited under the EHC Program, we are committed to the transparency and the objectivity of the research process and findings. Those providing public comment are not required to provide their names or affiliations in order to submit suggestions or comments. We will use your contact information only to get in touch with you if we have questions about your submitted comments.

For draft reports, all comments submitted during the draft report review period and the report authors’ responses to the comments (the “disposition of comments”) will be publicly posted on this Web site within 3 months after the final report is posted. Each comment on the draft report will be listed with the associated name and affiliation, if such information is provided.

For draft key questions, comments will be taken into consideration and may potentially result in modifications to the final key questions; however, individual comments will not be identified or posted, except in summary form.

Key Questions available for comment:

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Page last reviewed February 2021
Page originally created February 2021

Internet Citation: Comment on Key Questions and Draft Reports. Content last reviewed February 2021. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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