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Anxiety in Adolescents with Epilepsy

1. What is the decision or change (e.g., clinical topic, practice guideline, system design, delivery of care) you are facing or struggling with where a summary of the evidence would be helpful?

Delivery of care for treatment of anxiety in children and teens diagnosed with epilepsy especially in identifying cognitive behavioral therapists who work with this disorder and are available through insurance.

2. Why are you struggling with this issue?

Difficulty assessing best course of treatment, given complex nature of epilepsy, impact of the conditions itself, and the impact of medications as they relate to anxiety. Caregivers struggle to find answers and care.

3. What do you want to see changed? How will you know that your issue is improving or has been addressed?

Some clear guidelines for assessing anxiety in children and teens living with epilepsy and some mild to moderate epilepsy, and best treatment approaches that provides walkways between the neurologist and psychologist, (and insurer) when cognitive behavioral therapy is recommended. This age range seems underserved from a caregiver perspective.

4. When do you need the evidence report?

Sun, 06/04/2023

5. What will you do with the evidence report?

Finding the best care for children and teens living with epilepsy and mild to moderate anxiety would be extremely helpful for caregivers; as well as clear walkways between neurology and psychologists prepared to assist patients living with epilepsy and mild to moderate anxiety. A 2-year study that addresses these issues and could provide better direction for caregivers and patients would be helpful.

Optional Information About You

What is your role or perspective? patient/consumer/caregiver

If you are you making a suggestion on behalf of an organization, please state the name of the organization CA

May we contact you if we have questions about your nomination? Yes

Page last reviewed August 2022
Page originally created June 2022

Internet Citation: Anxiety in Adolescents with Epilepsy. Content last reviewed August 2022. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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