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Frequent Nighttime Urination in Men

NOMINATED TOPIC | April 15, 2016

Frequent Nighttime Urination in Men

Briefly describe a specific question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider.

Topic Number: 06620 Topic Name: Frequent Nighttime Urination in Men

Describe why this topic is important.

Results of Topic Selection Process The topic, Frequent Nighttime Urination in Men, reflects a common concern for men. While nocturia is an important issue, we were not able to assess this nomination because of the limited detail about the population and underlying conditions of interest. No further activity will be undertaken on this topic. Nomination Topic Number: 06620 Received On: 01/15/2016 Topic Name: Frequent Nighttime Urination in Men Nominator: A Patient Nomination Summary: The nominator states that for men, sleeping with, and urinating into a 2- liter bottle is an effective non-pharmacologic solution for nocturia and poor sleep. Key Questions from Nomination: None provided Policy and/or Clinical Context from the Nomination: Many men experience poor sleep due to frequent urination at night. If the topic you have suggested has not been selected for further development by the EHC Program, you are welcome to resubmit your nomination with additional information that you would like us to consider about your suggested research topic. OK. Let start then from beginning from new a 2-liter bottle urinary whish I named -- ARMUR Now I want to show a bigger picture about topic like show you wood behind the tree.

  1. nocturia and poor sleep is one part of benefit of ARMUR which is also important health issue because patient kidney coordinated urinary bladder micturia -emptying

  2. in a short period of time (1.5 to-3 hours) distill a lot of ( 1-1.5 liter) liquid urine from blood simultaneously bring patient arterial tension or blood pressure in norm if it is high. by 2-liter bottle ARMUR

  3. in due course time restore function activity of satisfaction nerve after bladder emptiness lost from years of poor bladder functioning by 2-liter bottle ARMUR

  4. in due course time ARMUR intensify bladder mussels which is weaken in length of time. This mussels strengthening will protect and prolong patients lifestyle for another 10 year or more

  5. For hyperactive bladder and urgency urinary incontinence patient the new ARMUR (see attached pic.) 2-liter bottle only solution to avoid nasty and expensive adult diapers and keep environment clean and fresh. ARMUR is keep hot urine in clu-de-sac vaporized and condensates it inside. And after use seal with lid.

  6. ARMUR give unique possibility to men in lie up positions keep bladder empty and roll out of bed with full of energy.

  7. The 2-liter bottle give patient unbelievable possibility- opportunity to drink as much liquid when he wish not to be afraid to micturiate any time and expel urine in to 2-liter bottle or bottels. Without harming his lifestyle and health. Defecating bodies waste through urine is not only good for body but mentality us well.

  8. If all this argument and hypothesis is not enough for -- No further activity will be undertaken on this topic ?-- let me know. I will send more info about benefits off this world change for men new innovation .

  9. This ARMUR product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. PS attachment is not attached.

How will an answer to your research question be used or help inform decisions for you or your group?

A little statistic Table 11-29. Nationally representative physician office visits for male urinary tract infection listed as any diagnosis 6-Year Count Total - 9,330,382 Age 40-44 1,074,441 45-54 -- 1,600,514 55-64 --2,511,295 65-74- 1,936,220 75-84 1,842,846 85+ 365,066 Race/ethnicity White 7,389,184 Black 1,547,878 Hispanic 393,320 Region Northeast 1,306,267 South 4,436,890 Midwest 1,941,946 West 1,645,279 Table 11-32. Nationally representative emergency room visits for male urinary tract infection listed as primary diagnosis, 2002-2007 (merged), 6-year count 6-Year Count Total 1,779,117 IT is only UTI a smallest part of issue. If above presented tables numbers is not enough pleas add this to By urinary incontinence, hyperactive bladder and different level of urinary retention( excluding prostate involve diseases est.) suffer mote then 50 million male in US only pleas count all this

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U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

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Page last reviewed November 2020
Page originally created April 2016

Internet Citation: Frequent Nighttime Urination in Men. Content last reviewed November 2020. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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