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Patients & health care workers are now subjected to toxic chemical exposures via airway & skin absorption through the alcohol based hand hygiene changes in clinical sites. For many yrs ABHH has been used when soap & water is not available.…

NOMINATED TOPIC | October 24, 2012
Briefly describe a specific question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider.

Patients & health care workers are now subjected to toxic chemical exposures via airway & skin absorption through the alcohol based hand hygiene changes in clinical sites. For many yrs ABHH has been used when soap & water is not available. Now, these products are used repeatedly , and over a long term, literature and OH&S information OHSA relating to isopropanol and its human impacts , need to be reviewed. I have a vested interest in this subject being an inventor of new ABHH technology, where by denaturing the alcohol with eucalyptus oil, it prevents toxic chemical exposures which are now prevalent.

I have only fund a couple of studies on this subject, as I feel most studies with ABHH , where completed using this chemical in formulations under observation. This is where BIAS plays a negative role in reports. Studies tend to divert away from negativity , especially / more so if a vendor is involved in a study.

HCW's have the poorest record in IH&S injuries and sickness, and this issue has the potential to cause a pandemic health care problem in yrs to come for the HCW, workforce, if not addressed

Now that I have pioneered new ABHH technology, there is no reason to compromise HCW's safety and well being. If pressure is put on vendors , as an example, the technology I invented serves as the next generation [sustainable and green ABHH and topical skin antisepsis]

Does your question include a comparison of different health care approaches? (If no, your topic will still be considered.)


If yes, explain the specific technologies, devices, drugs, or interventions you would like to see compared:

TOXIC CHEMICAL synthetic or organic vs. green chemistry plant matter ABHH and topcial skin antispeses

What patients or group(s) of patients does your question apply to? (Please include specific details such as age range, gender, coexisting diagnoses, and indications for therapy.)

All HCW's and patients, some industrial areas are exposed higher when using ABHH and disinfectants...i.e food industry

Are there subgroups of patients that your question might apply to? (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.)

Aged care - their careers are now at risk when using toxic formulated ABHH

This issue affects everyone. Toxic chemical exposures relating to the HCW WORKFORCE, does not have to be!

Plain soap and water in a facility , and natural ABHH I have invented, would be all that is required , to keep germs at bay , and do no harm to end users or the environment vs. TOXIC chemical formulated ABHH and antimicrobial skin washes , that do harm to end users and the environment. I also have an idea to route out MRSA

The ABHH technology I have designed, can be used in a nasal spray. This is where MRSA is thought to be spread. HCW's and patients can use this new technology for this purpose. Its safe for such.According to literature and my testing to date.

Describe the health-related benefits you are interested in. (For example, improvements in patient symptoms or problems from treatment or diagnosis.)

Provide safer hand hygiene products / technology will increase e usage and decrease HAI's. In the same manner , you will see a decrease in harmful effects to end users, = save money and save HCW's. Some HCW's having to leave the industry, as they can't cope with the toxic chemical exposures. This can be fixed by providing products that do not contain toxic harmful chemicals and if such products are used, ensure personal protecting is used PPE, when such products are used. Bleach, Chlorine , isopropanol, ammonium compounds , phenol etc

Describe any health-related risks, side effects, or harms that you are concerned about.

Asthma Skin irritation

Eczema Dermatitis Respiratory tract irritation Liver damage Kidney damage Brain distorting / damage endocrine disrupting

Appropriateness for EHC Program

Does your question include a health care drug, intervention, device, or technology available (or likely to be available) in the U.S.?


Which priority area(s) and population(s) does this topic apply to? (check all that apply)
EHC Priority Conditions (updated in 2008)
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease, including stroke and hypertension
  • Developmental delays, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and autism
  • Infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS
  • Pulmonary disease/asthma
AHRQ Priority Populations
  • Low income groups
  • Minority groups
  • Women
  • Children
  • Elderly
  • Individuals with special health care needs, including individuals with disabilities or who need chronic care or end-of-life health care
Federal Health Care Program
  • Other


Describe why this topic is important.

It will save lives It will save the industry money It is sustainable and green

What specifically motivated you to ask this question? (For example, you are developing a clinical guideline, working with a policy with large uncertainty about the appropriate approach, costly intervention, new research you have read, items in the media you may have seen, a clinical practice dilemma you know of, etc.)

I am the inventor and have spent the last 10 yrs of my life working on this technology

There is a growing concern about HAI's and toxic chemical exposure. This new technology addresses both problems

HCW's needed safer ABHH technology , ABHH not needing skin care and secondary products. [ currently ABHH is being used with secondary skin care products, as they dry the skin and irritate e the skin. This is costly and sends a negative signal to the worker / does not encourage repeated long term use. This is a problem identified in the 2002 CDC hand hygiene study , also reported in the WHO 2007 draft and WHO 2009 final hand hygiene document. [ new technology was called for and I answered the challenge using my knowledge from the original wipes inventions with alcohol and eucalyptus oil, I had a foundation to start with. Motivation was to invent the worlds first TYPE 1 ECO endorsed and professionally registered antimicrobial [ not antibacterial ] ABHH an disinfectant ct wipes. This has now been achieved as the TGA have registered both products

In turn these innovations now present as a much safer technology for end users, but still performs / exceeds technology professional standards.

Does your question represent uncertainty for clinicians and/or policy-makers? (For example, variations in clinical care, controversy in what constitutes appropriate clinical care, or a policy decision.)


If yes, please explain:

Currently most think all ABHH is the same, its not, especially nurses. Most are not aware of the toxic chemical exposures with ABHH

Doctors and surgeons are , and as such are reluctant to use ABHH when doing their rounds. This is a serious problem as they should be leading the way. I understood this problem early on when evaluating the pool or problems in the CDC & WHO docs, and read may literature reports and studies. Its the elephant in the room no one wants to admits to.

Potential Impact

How will an answer to your research question be used or help inform decisions for you or your group?

This is about helping YOU and my work. a win win

I have got the technology to the stage its end user ready. I need clinical end use to help quantify my assumptions, like the MRSA issue with nasal spray

The formulations have demonstrated high LOG reduction to MRSA and toxicity against this bug. My innovations have expanded , as I have followed the needs in the healthcare industry, I have identified other uses/ applications s for it

Describe the timeframe in which an answer to your question is needed.

The sooner you help me, the sooner you help your country and my country and the worlds healthcare workers problem with toxic chemical exposure to ABHH and potentially wipe out MRSA to a large degree.

Under arm spray , nasal spray = large reduction of MRSA spread. ABHH safer and better = no risk to end users = more HCW's using = reduction in HAI's

Describe any health disparities, inequities, or impact on vulnerable populations your question applies to.

People with weakened immune systems should all have access to this new technology for their own infection prevention. It petro chemical free, so is safe for cancer patients and diabetics to use

Nominator Information

Other Information About You: (optional)
Please choose a description that best describes your role or perspective: (you may select more than one category if appropriate)

This is about helping YOU and my work. a win win

I have got the technology to the stage its end user ready. I need clinical end use to help quantify my assumptions, like the MRSA issue with nasal spray

The formulations have demonstrated high LOG reduction to MRSA and toxicity against this bug. My innovations have expanded , as I have followed the needs in the healthcare industry, I have identified other uses/ applications s for it

Are you making a suggestion as an individual or on behalf of an organization?


Please tell us how you heard about the Effective Health Care Program

I am a subscribed memeber

Page last reviewed November 2017
Page originally created October 2012

Internet Citation: Patients & health care workers are now subjected to toxic chemical exposures via airway & skin absorption through the alcohol based hand hygiene changes in clinical sites. For many yrs ABHH has been used when soap & water is not available.…. Content last reviewed November 2017. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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