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Persistant Genital Arousal Disorder. I have been suffering in silence for over 30 years and when I finally got up the nerve to mention my symptoms... feeling the need to masturbate anywhere from 6 20 times daily because my body was and…

NOMINATED TOPIC | March 17, 2015
Briefly describe a specific question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider.

Persistant Genital Arousal Disorder. I have been suffering in silence for over 30 years and when I finally got up the nerve to mention my symptoms... feeling the need to masturbate anywhere from 6 20 times daily because my body was and still is telling me to do this to find any relief. Anyway the 3 doctors I told had no idea what I was talking about and one actually laughed at me told me how lucky I was and to bring out my sex toys and have fun. After that I did my own research and found a name for it. Doctors everywhere need to be educated on this horrible monster that invaids so many women and mens bodies. And HOW to treat it

Describe why this topic is important.

People have committed suicide because their pgad were so bad and no doctor could help them This is NOT a sexual disease. It is a painful isolating depressing anxiety producing REAL medical problem. I am afraid to leave the house because Im afraid I will flare up and cant wait to get home to relieve myself. The insurance companies need to get it together I finally found a doctor that had heard of it she ordered me a compounding cream which helped my symptoms and now the insurance company tells me that any compounding cream needs prior authorization and they have denied mine 3 times in the last 2 weeks My depression pgad symptoms anxiety hopelessness and crying has returned with a vengeance. And no one seems to care

How will an answer to your research question be used or help inform decisions for you or your group?

We would be forever grateful for any research and treatment that actually may help relieve our symptoms and perhaps we could lead a somewhat normal life. The monster that has invaded our bodies has literally ruined our chances of ever thinking that we could lead a normal life because it controls us Please help us find some type of medication.. anything that could possibly help relieve these God awful syptoms before someone else takes their own life

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If you are you making a suggestion on behalf of an organization, please state the name of the organization
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Page last reviewed November 2017
Page originally created March 2015

Internet Citation: Persistant Genital Arousal Disorder. I have been suffering in silence for over 30 years and when I finally got up the nerve to mention my symptoms... feeling the need to masturbate anywhere from 6 20 times daily because my body was and…. Content last reviewed November 2017. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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