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The effects of grip size on injury risk in tennis players

Briefly describe a specific question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider.

The effects of grip size on injury risk in tennis players

Describe why this topic is important.

To identify whether grip size is a risk factor for injury. There has only been two study in this. The study only tested the one handed backhand stroke. It didn't look at the forehand, serve, slice or volley. - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16861576

The second study looked at less muscle groups. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3717484 Neither study analysed the shoulder or wrist.

How will an answer to your research question be used or help inform decisions for you or your group?

This could help reduce the risk of tennis injuries, or dispel a myth that a too small grip size causes injuries like tennis elbow.

Other Information About You: (optional)
Please choose a description that best describes your role or perspective: (you may select more than one category if appropriate)
Tennis player
If you are you making a suggestion on behalf of an organization, please state the name of the organization
Please tell us how you heard about the Effective Health Care Program
Page last reviewed November 2017
Page originally created July 2013

Internet Citation: The effects of grip size on injury risk in tennis players. Content last reviewed November 2017. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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