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Women before 50 with column surgery & without using hormones., osteopenia & scoleosis

Briefly describe a specific question, or set of related questions, about a health care test or treatment that this program should consider.

Women before 50 with column surgery & without using hormones., osteopenia & scoleosis

Does your question include a comparison of different health care approaches? (If no, your topic will still be considered.)


If yes, explain the specific technologies, devices, drugs, or interventions you would like to see compared:

after an excellent surgery at Monterrey Nuevo Leon Mexico., all the post surgery medicine & exercises were made. Calcium., glucosamine., bone densitomerty maden

What patients or group(s) of patients does your question apply to? (Please include specific details such as age range, gender, coexisting diagnoses, and indications for therapy.)

I believe that there are women that have no idea of the problem., bones need to be hydrated., calcium., vitamin d., glucosamine & exercises into the water & in some of the cases the economical circumstances haven´t let that people even search for a choice., like my case without resources like to ask for a specific treatment & living with pain. Sometimes people lives without health or without resources to find a health solution... someothers by ignorance., specially at rural areas.

Are there subgroups of patients that your question might apply to? (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.)

Rural areas., mexican women commonly have more than 4 children., living in neither optimus conditions., nor having the resources to live. At a corner it is common to find a woman with 3 kids 5., 3 & 2 y.o. & one with her & pregnant asking for a charity... that woman even having a strong bone structure., in that scarcity conditions., I ask the bones could be healthy? The children would grow with healthy bones?

Describe the health-related benefits you are interested in. (For example, improvements in patient symptoms or problems from treatment or diagnosis.)

I would like that researchers could make improvements in spice., like if I say I would like you to study the way of preserve the bones in a better stage., if you have to make proofs or what the physician needs I could be the patient to experiment. This could be great to other women., find the ways to prevent that kind of surgeries., pains., knowing about your structure.

Describe any health-related risks, side effects, or harms that you are concerned about.

To the side effects I couldn´t say exactly., there are 10 surgeries maden to me., in the 9th the responsible., said I won´t sign that., if you want to make the surgery ´ll be your own risk., & the column had a surgery., after 2 days Physician sent me home., & He said the astonish never ends at my 29 years of making surgeries this is the first time the patient leaves the Hospital at the second day.

Appropriateness for EHC Program

Does your question include a health care drug, intervention, device, or technology available (or likely to be available) in the U.S.?


Which priority area(s) and population(s) does this topic apply to? (check all that apply)
EHC Priority Conditions (updated in 2008)
  • Arthritis and nontraumatic joint disorders
AHRQ Priority Populations
  • Women
  • Children
Federal Health Care Program


Describe why this topic is important.

I believe this topic is important., because women could be better if one research after all the ones maden., could have place.,

What specifically motivated you to ask this question? (For example, you are developing a clinical guideline, working with a policy with large uncertainty about the appropriate approach, costly intervention, new research you have read, items in the media you may have seen, a clinical practice dilemma you know of, etc.)

God is with people having nothing. Thinking that I couldn´t loose nothing & Physicians would find a real treatment., the oportune information at the adecuated age., If when children taking calcium., making the densitometry as a preventive stage., & teach children to be healthy.... older it coulld be less painful.

Does your question represent uncertainty for clinicians and/or policy-makers? (For example, variations in clinical care, controversy in what constitutes appropriate clinical care, or a policy decision.)


If yes, please explain:

I believe that after all the studies that could be maden., a great answer could be found., it´s not personal., it could be great for thousands of people in al the places., mexican idiosincracy is into mexican bones., sometimes ignorance & I include myself makes you take not the best desitions., I do believe the bones research could be great for specially women in general & her kids in all conditions & places.

Potential Impact

How will an answer to your research question be used or help inform decisions for you or your group?

After practicing all the physicians theories & all the research ´ve been made., thus it could be helpful not to my group., to the groups.

Describe the timeframe in which an answer to your question is needed.

this could take like 14 weeks., I believe

Describe any health disparities, inequities, or impact on vulnerable populations your question applies to.

It applies to all the population., in that disparity., specially in Mexico in people having nothing., not a medical service., not taking a specific treatment., not maki g the appropriate exercises., even not knowing about the bones & how to take care of the own health... ignorance could take importance., ignorance wouldn´t stop the bone deterioration & won´t stop osteoporosis or won´t stop the pain.

Nominator Information

Other Information About You: (optional)
Please choose a description that best describes your role or perspective: (you may select more than one category if appropriate)

After practicing all the physicians theories & all the research ´ve been made., thus it could be helpful not to my group., to the groups.

Are you making a suggestion as an individual or on behalf of an organization?


Please tell us how you heard about the Effective Health Care Program

searching. The one that searchs .... finds

Page last reviewed November 2017
Page originally created April 2010

Internet Citation: Women before 50 with column surgery & without using hormones., osteopenia & scoleosis. Content last reviewed November 2017. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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