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Your article on Chronic Pelvic Pain is outdated, simplistic, and totally excludes males who have pelvic pain also.

NOMINATED TOPIC | January 9, 2014
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Your article on Chronic Pelvic Pain is outdated, simplistic, and totally excludes males who have pelvic pain also.

Describe why this topic is important.

The information you provided is totally unhelpful. As a women with chronic pain in my rectum, I know what a struggle it is to find a doctor who even knows about Pudendal Neuralgia or CPP.

You don't even discuss the nerve element of Pudendal Neuralgia. This is a critical component of many patients pain.

You eliminate men as if they don't get Pelvic Pain. That is asinine.

You need to look at Pudendalhope.org and read what they have posted. They list what doctors in what states understand and treat Pudendal Neuralgia and/or CPP. Their are special CPP clinics in some states. There are also many states that have no doctors who know about PN or understand CPP.

You make it sound like it is as easy as going to your GP and he will direct you to some specialist and all will be well. It is rare for a specialist to know anything about this condition. It is not taught in Medical School. Sure a Urologist knows about the bladder etc., and an obstetrician knows about the uterus and ovaries, but where is the specialist that knows about Pudendal Neuralgia and CPP? I dare you to find more than one or two per state. Without social networking, most of us would not know who these doctors are. In Colorado, where I live, there is ONE doctor who specializes in this area.

As I said above, your article is so simplistic as to be unhelpful to anyone. You need to talk to a doctor who specializes in this area and get the most current information.

You need to include men and the subject of nerves. You need to talk about Pudendal Neuralgia. A lot of times CPP occurs after the PN nerves send pain signals. Holding your pelvis tight when you are in agonizing pain is normal. Relaxing the pelvis is only one treatment. Finding which nerve is screaming is the second.

I would reject this article if I was the publisher.

How will an answer to your research question be used or help inform decisions for you or your group?

Our pudendal neuralgia group already knows that no research is going on except by individual doctors who get interested in the topic. We also know that there is no way to diagnose PN or a lot of issues within the pelvis. Pain medicine is in the neanderthal period as far as advancement for nerve pain. Most of us suffer horribly because no medication touches the pain and we can't find a doctor who can help us. So little is known that doctors feel as helpless as we do.

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Please choose a description that best describes your role or perspective: (you may select more than one category if appropriate)
patient of Pudendal neuralgia
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Please tell us how you heard about the Effective Health Care Program
One of my fellow sufferers posted your article on our Facebook page
Page last reviewed November 2017
Page originally created January 2014

Internet Citation: Your article on Chronic Pelvic Pain is outdated, simplistic, and totally excludes males who have pelvic pain also.. Content last reviewed November 2017. Effective Health Care Program, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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